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Discover the Facts

The opponents of our endorsed candidates have resorted to spreading false information to the point that we find it necessary to set the record straight.



Property taxes have actually decreased 5% since 2021.

Spending is allocated based on need and realistic revenue projections. Historically, low spending and unrealistically low revenue projections have created a very large fund balance. Funds collected need tobe reinves ted in the Town or risk running afoul of the Office of the NYS Comptroller.
The residents deserve facilities that are well-maintained and services that adequately meet their needs.




The current administration:
a. listens and is responsive to the concerns of residents as demonstrated in the solutions-oriented approach to drainage, speeding and other issues.
b. developed and regularly updates the new website
c. hired a dedicated Information Officer
d. instituted a new, monthly newsletter
e. created a robust social media presence
f. is working to create digital access to departments, records and online payment options in 2024




Councilmembers Martin, Simpson, Humphries and Supervisor McKnight are small business owners and understand what businesses need to thrive. They also understand that being pro-environment can also be pro-business.




Members of the current administration have a deep appreciation for the history and resources of the Town.




The current Supervisor and the Town Board have been concerned about housing affordability since first taking office. Their response:

a) enact a Short-Term Rental Law that permits only residents to provide units for less than 30 days thus encouraging more long-term housing units. The Ulster County Planning Board commended the Town of Hurley for the law.

b) both the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor attended a recent Housing Symposium so they can be more aware of the opportunities available to communities

c) recent conversations with a local group who have an established program that partners those who have rooms to rent with those who need affordable housing will result in a presentation to the Town Board and look at bringing it to the Town of Hurley.

d) to create a set of housing solutions that meet the needs and wishes of the community




The rights of landowners will be upheld. All elected officials own property in the Town and are your neighbors.

Any proposed restrictions are related to new Major Subdivisions. Proposed Major Subdivisions may leave as much of the tree canopy as possible and any stone walls that exist on the property should remain if at all possible as these features are part of what makes the Town of Hurley unique. They ARE what preserves the character of Hurley.




The Town Planner is based in the Hudson Valley and was hired by the previous Town Board under the former Town Supervisor in 2019.

In addition, all elected officials are your neighbors and are also property owners in the town.




The new draft Comp Plan allows for businesses to locate in areas where they were restricted or disallowed in the current code.

The Town of Hurley has been a Climate Smart Community for a number of years. All of the environmental recommendations stem from best practices in helping our communities become “Climate Resilient”.
The notion that economic development and protecting our environment are mutually exclusive is false. It is
absolutely possible to enjoy economic prosperity while protecting the environment for future generations.


In addition, the Town Board has demonstrated that it is responsive to the feedback presented to it by consistently altering or pulling proposed legislation. The Draft Comp Plan will be adjusted as a result of feedback from residents and key stakeholders.




Early in 2022, with the transition to the new website and the expiration of COVID related relaxation of Open Meetings Law there were some big challenges getting documents posted and keeping the public informed. The residents were justifiably unhappy and critical. The creation of position to fulfill the responsibilities of keeping the public informed was deemed to be the right approach.




The litigation the Town was forced to defend was a result of actions that took place prior to January 1, 2022. Federal lawsuits brought against the Town were defended by the Insurance Company and all were dismissed. All projects received Conditional Approval and are each proceeding according to the process they are required to navigate.

The best way to prevent litigation on projects is to:
1) have clearly defined Zoning regulations so that parties interested in proposing a development know beforehand what is expected
2) have a clearly defined, consistent application process.

The Town of Hurley is worked diligently with consultants to reduce the potential for future litigation by ensuring a clear, consistent, equitable process.




The increase in the Equalization Rate does not necessarily affect property taxes.
All Taxing Districts (County, School, Library, Fire, Water/Sewer, Lighting, Highway Dept, Towns) determine the tax levy annually.
The tax levy is the amount of money the district will need in tax revenue to function.
If the tax levy is unchanged (as it is projected in the Town of Hurley) and if the Equalization Rate increases, then the amount of $ per $1000 of assessed value will actually decrease.




The Office of the NYS Comptroller designated the Town of Hurley with Fiscal Stress Score of 3.3 for the 2022 Fiscal Year. Communities are considered “under stress” when they are assigned score of 45 or more, and Hurley is well below that.

The Office of the NYS Comptroller cited the Town of Hurley as having a “negative operating deficit”. This term indicates that the Town of Hurley experienced an operating surplus in FY 2022.


Paid for by the Hurley Democratic Committee.

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